Tuesday, August 01, 2006

So you think your job sucks...

I was browsing in a chain bookstore one time and I came upon a book call something like "So you think your job sucks." (Probably not the real title.) Anyway, the book was all about some of the worst jobs in the world. The author was trying to make the point that no matter how bad your job may be, the ones listed were worse. The only problem with that was that I'd had more than two of those jobs. More than three. In my relatively short life span, I've held four of the worse jobs ever.

Want to know the bright side? I have stories. Lots and lots of stories. If you play your cards right, I may even be willing to share them.

For instance, the first time I was ever offered pot, I was riding bitch (center seat) in the front of a moving van between two co-workers. I'd just graduated from highschool and had never so much as smoked a cigarette, but these two guys were lighting up a joint and passing it back and forth in front of me like it was no big deal. I think I remained pretty calm on the outside, but inside I was totally freaking out. Especially when we got lost. Most especially when the stoners thought that the police car behind us was following the van. (I was trying desperately to think of a way to convince the nice police man that I really was an innocent victim in all of this when God smiled on me and the car turned.)

I learned more at that job than just how to pack antique china like nobody's business.

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