Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post Election Day Rah Rah

So, I am very tired from listening to NPR late, LATE into the night. But it was all worth it. What a great night. What a great day. The sun is shining, the weather is warm, not hot (remember that I'm in AZ), and the President just went on national TV and admitted that the Republicans got spanked because we just plain don't like him. Not, "we" the Democrats, or "we" the liberals, but "we" the AMERICANS. Yes, its simply a gorgeous day, Darling!

Still... I want to provide a small voice of reason for those who want to be over exhuberant and stomp all over thier Rupublican neighbors. Lets try to rember what got us here. It wasn't the simply irresistable Democratic platform, it was that American's are tired of Bush and his never ending war. The next time around (2008) Democrats had better have a better stratigy for winning this thing, because Bush won't be there for America to vote against.

Democrats had better get busy and get something done in the next two years. Now is not the time to pretend that Americans have spoken in favor of Dems, but to remember that Americans spoke against an unpopular war and President who was seemingly incapable of joining the rest of us in reality. Dems have been given a chance to prove thier worth, not a mandate to do whatever the heck they want to.

I've heard several Dems talking about what they will be doing when they get to Washington. I hope they keep in mind that Americans as a whole, and Democrats in particular, do not like bullies. If the Dems get caught up in revenge and other such pettiness, they better believe that it will be a short two years. Instead, Dems could and should actually do what the Republicans talked about a few years ago. I would like to see a busy, cooperative Congress that remembers what they are supposed to be doing - representing us, not bickering between themselves and getting nothing useful done. If this doesn't happen, you better believe that the Republicans will be the proud holders of another "mandate" in 2008.

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At 1:55 PM, Blogger Mother Jones RN said...

Lalalalalla, I'm doing the happy dance, or in my case the happy limp because of my bum ankle. Yes, I love the color Blue. George didn't look happy at today:-)

Power to the people!

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Dane said...

& the best part? RUMMY resigned!! of course, in DC, resigned translates to 'Got thrown under the bus,' but it doesn't matter, he's gone as of December! I love that even in his resignation speech, he called the American People stupid, tho.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Spelunker said...

If he could call us stupid while in the position, why would he stop when leaving. (He's a bad, bad man!)


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